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Freedom 75 -- One day In-Studio Sale this Saturday.

posted September 12, 2024 6:00 PM by Lorna Shapiro

One day only... come by for my first clearance sale:


Printed Cottons

King Tut and Masterpiece threads

Stef Francis Perle Cottons

ALL 30% Off

Sale is Saturday, September 14. 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

That includes all of these lovely fabrics!

I meant to show you my latest queen bed quilt...

And now I've just completed the pillow shams!


Laura Gates quilted it for me and it is a masterful piece of quilting!

Freedom 75 Reminder!

I've finally concluded, with some help from my husband, to set my upcoming 75th birthday as the time for closing down the in-person part of my business. As you know, I've been slowly dropping aspects of the business over the past few years - shows, in-person speaking engagements, workshop teaching have all been phased out. With some encouragement from Vic, I'm setting my upcoming birthday, February 3, 2025, as the date for closing down all in-person shopping. I do this with mixed emotions. You know how much I've appreciated the sense of community and the learning opportunities your visits have provided. But I'm also now ready for more freedom to just be spontaneous in our activities.

So, I'll be reducing my inventory somewhat over the coming months. The studio sale dates I've set are these:

September 14 & 28

October 5 & 26

November 2 & 23

December 14

January 11 & 25th.

The sale days will be open for drop-in between 10:00 & 4:00. I'll announce in the week before, what will be on sale... so just watch these posts.

I will also be doing some online sales, one a month, on the first Saturday of September, October, November, December and January.

If you'd like to come by and shop in person before then, don't hesitate to book your visit. You can do so here:

Sending you all my best wishes for an easy transition into the fall season. Thanks for being part of my quilting community...


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